华人医生数据库 Chinese Speaking Doctors in US and Canada

Dr. Zhou, Yi - Winston-Salem, NC, Pathology - 华人医生数据库

Update ...

Zhou, Yi, MD, Ph.D.
Attending and Clinical Assistant Professor
Pathology | Hematopathology | Oncologic Pathology | GI/Liver pathology

WakeMed Health
500 Shepherd St,  #300 
Winston-Salem, NC 27103 US(Get Direction)
Phone: 336-713-7777

Medical Education:
Medical School: Beijing, Peking Union Medical College
Residency: University of Illinois
Fellowship: Memorial Sloan Kettering

Clinic Interests:
hematopathology, oncological pathology and GI/Liver pathology.

Besides English, Dr. Zhou can speak chinese as well.

Sub-Specialty: Hematopathology; Oncologic Pathology; Gastrointestinal Pathology

WFUHS - Health Sciences (physician services)
NCBH - North Carolina Baptist Hospital
Davie - Davie Medical Center
LMC - Lexington Medical Center
CHC - Cornerstone Healthcare
Wilkes - Wilkes Regional Medical Center
N/A - Not applicable to services provided at facility and/pr CHC
NC - Not contracted, very low to no volume for facility and/or CHC