华人医生数据库 Chinese Speaking Doctors in US and Canada

Dr. 张林生 - Atlanta, GA | - 华人医生数据库


张林生 (Zhang, Linsheng), MD, Ph.D.
Attending and Clinical Assistant Professor
病理学 | 血液病理 | 分子遗传病理

埃默里医疗健康系统(Emory Healthcare)
1364 Clifton Rd,  
Atlanta, GA 30322 US(Get Direction)

医科大学: 第三军医大学(Third Military Medical University)
住院医师: MUSC, Charleston, SC
专科训练: Emory University

血液病理和分子诊断, 白血病 淋巴瘤 多发性骨髓瘤。


Sub-Specialty: Hematopathology and Molecular Genetic Pathology

Research Interests:
- Genetic profiling of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors
It is now widely accepted that cancer is a genetic disorder. Whole genome profiling of human cancer,
as well as genetic analysis by re-sequencing
panels of genes associated with specific malignancies have not only become a major research tool of
discovering new genetic abnormalities associated
with individual disease and patient, but also been gradually adapted as routine diagnostic tests in
clinical molecular laboratories. Hematopathology
has been traditionally, and continued to be the leading field in novel research and discovery of
clinically significant genetic abnormalities. I am
interested in the genetic profiling of hematologic malignancies including myeloid neoplasms,
lymphomas, multiple myeloma, and solid tumors, especially
lung cancer and melanoma, using high resolution microarray, RNA-seq, and panel gene sequencing,
aiming at bringing these into clinical laboratory as
routine diagnostic tests.

Clinical Focus:
I serve as an attending physician on the Hematopathology and Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory service
at Emory University Hospital. My clinical focus
includes diagnostic hematopathology integrating morphologic examination, flow cytometric
immunophenotyping, cytogenetics, FISH, and microarray
studies; and molecular diagnosis of solid tumors.

Last update in 2023-10-02.


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